Benefits of Ethix Water Conditioner For Dairy Operations

Benefits of Ethix Water Conditioner For Dairy Operations

The maintenance-free Ethix water Conditioner unit, installed on the main or secondary water lines of your dairy, will bring cleaner water to benefits to your dairy operations.
Animals can survive longer without food than they can without water. Water is involved in every aspect of animal metabolism. To remain healthy, Cows require water of adequate quality and quantity.

Hard water effects on Dairy Farms:

Heavy minerals of hard water mainly effects on growth and weight of Cows. And also due to poor quality of water will decrease in milk production.

Ethix water conditioner enhances the growth and weight of Cows & better increase in production of milk and gives crystal clear healthy water with better ph level.

No Chemicals – Maintenance Free – 5 Year Ltd. Warranty

Listed below are some of the Benefits you can expect of the EthixWater Conditioner:
  • Prevents and eliminates hard water scale and corrosion on all water related equipment. This includes misters, foggers, high pressure nozzles, incubator walls, humidifier fans, drip trays, evaporative coolers, watering troughs, pumps and boilers will be beneficially impacted.


  • Reduction of scale build up helps reduce bacteria, bio-slime and the potential for disease by removing breeding grounds and locations where bacteria, bio-slime can gather and multiply.


  • Equipment service life is greatly extended. Replacement times for materials are lengthened. The need for overall maintenance is reduced and preventative maintenance is more easily accomplished.


  • Reduces algae growth in pools, ponds and evaporative coolers using a recirculation system.


  • Improves the taste of water especially if hydrogen sulfide or chlorine is in the water delivery system.


  • Saves equipment replacement and repair cost and improve profit-loss performance to entire operation.


  • Reduce overall dairy maintenance

All systems are built around the NSF Certified non-sacrificial ceramic media technology and offer salt free, chemical free, environmentally safe and healthy water conditioning as an alternative to salt and potassium systems. Water that is not otherwise contaminated or compromised can be safely purged from our system into drains, sewers, and onto plants or in animal areas where such disposal is allowed by State and/or Federal law.

Ethix Water Conditioner presenting you domestic and commercial Water Conditioner and drinking water solutions, Ethix Water Conditioner technical experts visit your place and give you the right inputs which suits your water needs.

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