Ethix Water Conditioner For Poultry Farms

Ethix Water Conditioner For Poultry Farms

Ethix Water Conditioner presenting you Domestic, Commercial, Irrigation and Industrial water solutions.
Ethix technical experts visit your place and give you the right inputs which suits your water needs whether it is commercial or residential.

The Ethix Water Conditioner, installed in-line on the main line or a secondary water delivery line from your well or municipal water system, can deliver conditioned water to any part of your entire poultry facility.

Listed below are some of the benefits Ethix Water Conditioner For Poultry Farms you can expect from purchasing an Ethix Water Conditioner:

  • Prevents and eliminates hard water scale and corrosion on all water related equipment. This includes misters, foggers, high pressure nozzles, incubator walls, humidifier fans, drip trays, evaporative coolers, watering troughs, pumps and boilers will be beneficially impacted.


  • Reduction of scale build up helps reduce bacteria, bio-slime and the potential for disease by removing breeding grounds and locations where bacteria, bio-slime can gather and multiply.


  • Equipment service life is greatly extended. Replacement times for materials are lengthened. The need for overall maintenance is reduced and preventative maintenance is more easily accomplished.


  • Reduces algae growth in pools, ponds and evaporative coolers using a recirculation system.


Ethix water conditioner with GERMAN Technology gives best solution to the problems of hard water.
Ethix  water conditioner improves the oxygen levels of water & enhances the growth and weight of chicks, hens & better production of eggs and gives crystal clear healthy water with better ph level.
Improves Water penetration & Save Water usage
Unblocks the dripper and sprinkler with scaling.
Prevents build up scale formation, clog and pipe corrosion.
Drip lines stay clean
Ball valves and taps operate smoothly
Inhibits algae growth – stock troughs and tanks remain cleaner

Ethix Water Conditioner……
Low cost, Easy to Install
No water wastage
Eco friendly, No harmful chemicals
No maintenance required
Unlimited water


If you’re looking to stop limescale, there’s plenty of ‘solutions’ on the market but the next generation in treatments is a conditioner from Ethix. It’s a time and cost effective choice, safe on the environment, with guaranteed results.

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Emerging Ethix Power LTD (LP)

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