Hard Water Solutions for Poultry

Ethix Water Conditioner Hard Water Solutions for Poultry

The maintenance-free Ethix Water Conditioner units, installed on the main or secondary water lines of your Poultry will bring clean and chemical free benefits to your poultry operations.

Benefits out of the Ethix Water Conditioner:

Ethix Water Conditioner Hard Water Solutions for Poultry

  • Prevents and eliminates hard water scale and corrosion on all water related equipment. This includes misters, foggers, high pressure nozzles, incubator walls, humidifier fans, drip trays, evaporative coolers, watering troughs, exhaust fans, pumps, boilers, tray washing equipment, to name a few areas that will be beneficially impacted.
  • Reduction of scale build up helps reduce bacteria, bio-slime and the potential for disease by removing breeding grounds and locations where they can gather and multiply.
  • Equipment service life is greatly extended. Replacement times for materials are lengthened. The need for overall maintenance is reduced and preventative maintenance is more easily accomplished.
  • Reduces algae growth in pools, ponds, and lagoons, and evaporative coolers using are circulating system.
  • Improves the taste of water especially if hydrogen sulfide or chlorination is in the water delivery system. Higher concentrations may require additional equipment.
  • Savings in labor, equipment replacement and repairs, can pay for the product and result in an improved Profit & Loss performance to your entire operation.

Effect of Enhanced Water On Poultry Farming improves egg-laying qualities and quantities. Use of enhanced water for drinking purposes of chicks results in increase in the process of bone formation.

Poultry-Farming Benefits.

  • Improved egg-laying qualities.
  • Reduced time required for fowls to gain desired weight.
  • A considerable drop in mortality and morbidity rate.
  • Health of the Birds will be improved.
  • We see a savings in water usage and food consumption. There is no wastage of water.
  • One can expect a better production rates in terms of weight and size .

If you’re looking to stop limescale, there’s plenty of ‘solutions’ on the market but the next generation in treatments is a conditioner from Ethix. It’s a time and cost effective choice, safe on the environment, with guaranteed results.

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Emerging Ethix Power LTD (LP)

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