Ethix Water Conditioner


Limescale Remover: How to remove Limescale in Pipes

Limescale Remover: How to remove Limescale in Pipes Scale buildup in pipes is not just common but also expensive. The good news is — like most plumbing complications, it is preventable. An Ethix Water Conditioner acts as a Limescale remover for your pipes and plumbing. Scale builds up when a chemical or physical change in […]


How Ethix Water Conditioner is Used in Wastewater Treatment

How Ethix Water Conditioner is Used in Wastewater Treatment Wastewater treatment plants collect and clean sewage and industrial wastewater. In mixing systems, rainwater is added to the wastewater from retention basins and is brought into the plant via pipelines. Wastewater is commonly pumped to a higher level in order for it to pass through the […]


Ethix Water Conditioner Prevent Inefficiencies in Food Service Equipment

Ethix Water Conditioner Prevent Inefficiencies in Food Service Equipment In the food industry, water quality is a prime concern. Apart from its use in cooking, major food service equipment, such as steamers, dishwashers, and boilers, need water to function. It is imperative, therefore, that the water that enters and passes through them won’t hamper their […]


Commercial and Industrial Water Conditioner Treatment

Commercial and Industrial Water Conditioner Treatment Ethix commercial and industrial Water Conditioner Treatment solutions brings together application engineering, innovative product and technical service to reduce operating costs and improve customer experiences. For every use—from water that mists produce to the water used in hotel washing machines—Ethix provides commercial and industrial customers a complete solution that’s […]


Swimming Pool Water Conditioner

Swimming Pool Water Conditioner Stain Free, Clean and Crystal clear Swimming Pool Water Conditioner: Ethix water conditioner system makes your pools clean & crystal clear sparkling look and a delight to swim in refreshing spring water feel. Removes and avoids Minerals in hard water accumulates on pool cloudy stains on walls, gives clean pool walls, […]


Benefits of Water Conditioners

Benefits of Water Conditioners With reports suggesting that hard water affects around 60% of the India, a water conditioner can provide some much-needed relief to households. Here, Ethix explains how. Does your home have hard water? Bad tasting water? Then a water conditioner from Ethix Water Conditioning just might be the solution. At Ethix Water […]


Reasons To Use A Saltless Water Conditioner over Conventional Salt-Based Water Softeners

Reasons To Use A Saltless Water Conditioner over Conventional Salt-Based Water Softeners How can a water conditioner pay for itself over time? Find out with Ethix Salt-Free Water Conditioner, which uses technology that naturally conditions water and minimizes scaling without the need for backflushing or salt. This results in savings in your water bill with […]


Hard Water Solutions for Agriculture

Hard Water Solutions for Agriculture The Anti-scaling system can be used in agriculture where the water is used from underground bore well. It keeps the pipes free from the scale deposits; drip irrigation fine nozzles remain clean; helps in maintaining the natural mineral-rich composition of the water useful for agriculture. Installed in-line on your water […]


Hard Water Solutions for Poultry

Ethix Water Conditioner Hard Water Solutions for Poultry The maintenance-free Ethix Water Conditioner units, installed on the main or secondary water lines of your Poultry will bring clean and chemical free benefits to your poultry operations. Benefits out of the Ethix Water Conditioner: Ethix Water Conditioner Hard Water Solutions for Poultry Prevents and eliminates hard […]


Solve Your Hard Water Problems With Ethix Water Conditioner

Solve Your Hard Water Problems With Ethix Water Conditioner Scale causing minerals have a high electrical charge,repel each other and “stick” to pipes and equipment causing costly hard water problems. The alloy products a Turbulent mineral attracting galvanic action which reduces the electrical charge of minerals. Non-sticking nano sized colloids are formed and flow through […]