Ethix Water Conditioner


How Can Ethix Water Conditioners Preserve Your Plumbing System?

How Can Ethix Water Conditioners Preserve Your Plumbing System? Water conditioners can make your water supply better. The system filters and removes chlorine, thus, improving the taste of the water. It can also reduce your risk for skin problems. Other than ensuring clean, quality water, water conditioners can prolong the lifespan of your plumbing system. […]


Ethix Water Conditioner irrigation systems

Ethix Water Conditioner irrigation systems We market our products under the brand name Ethix water Conditioner in the Indian market. Ours is the only company in the world that produces low cost irrigation kits and manual pumping along with a complete range of micro irrigation systems. At the same time, it is one of the […]


Ethix Water Conditioner-One Stop Solution for Hard water Problems

Ethix Water Conditioner-One Stop Solution for Hard water Problems Water is such an essential part of our lives, yet we often take it — and its purity — for granted. You turn on the tap, fill up your glass and quench your thirst. It seems simple. But for many home and business owners, hard water […]


What is lime scale?

What is lime scale? Scale is mainly due to two minerals calcium and magnesium – these minerals are good for health but not for piping systems. The scale problem arises when scale deposits inside the piping system, equipment or on pipe surfaces. Hard water have high contains of calcium ions: the more calcium ions in […]


What is Ethix Water Conditioner?

What is Ethix Water Conditioner? Ethix water conditioner works on resonating electromagnetic principle. The electronic unit works by sending out a computerised generated unique and complex Resonating Electromagnetic frequency wave form that changes the physical properties, size and charge of the calcium amd magnesium molecules. which converts hard water elements in neutralized nano-particles. The Ethix […]


Chemical-Free Alternatives to Industrial Water Treatments

Chemical-Free Alternatives to Industrial Water Treatments As the world becomes more environmentally aware, more people are demanding that industries start using chemical-free alternatives to industrial water treatments. Today, water treatment plants will use several chemicals to treat, clean, and process sewage and wastewater. Unfortunately, this process creates many toxic byproducts. To get around this, companies […]


How Ethix Water Conditioner Works For Commercial Water Treatment 

How Ethix Water Conditioner Works For Commercial Water Treatment  Commercial Water Conditioners. Right now, minerals in the water running through your equipment could be building up, reducing efficiency and performance, increasing your cost of operation and decreasing service life—that translates into less profitability for your business. When you decide to take advantage of our Ethix […]


Importance Of Ethix Water Conditioner to Agriculture

Importance Of  Ethix Water Conditioner to Agriculture Water is the life blood of any farm so finding the best water solution available is vital. Do you have hard water problems with salt affected soils or iron in well water? Without a soil test how would you even know that you had such problems? Well the […]


What is Difference Between Water Softener and Water Conditioner?

Is Hard water safe for use? If you have discovered a white ring around your faucet or white spots on your dishes, you probably have hard water. More importantly, you may wonder whether the water you’re using is safe.   What Is Hard Water? Hard water is water that has high mineral content. Hard water […]

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