Benefits of Ethix water Conditioner in Farming

Benefits of Ethix water Conditioner in Farming

Water is the life blood of any farm. In nature water never exists as just pure H2O. To make available best water from canal or river for farming is difficult. Almost 85% farmers have boar well or well water for farming. There are always other substances dissolved in it that we know as mineral salts.  Healthy, balanced water needs to have mineral salts in it to sustain life. However it’s the percentages of those mineral salts that make water either “hard” or “soft”. Basically, high amounts of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, classify water as hard.  You can often find a large amount of iron, manganese, sodium and other dissolved compounds such as bicarbonates and sulphates in hard water.

Now don’t worry!!!

Ethix Water Conditioner is the solution for all this.
Just install and forget all hard water problems…


Hard water from a bore (well) typically has very high surface tension. This water is difficult to be taken up into the plant stem and absorbed into the cell structure. and If it is hard water then it becomes more difficult to be taken up by plant. It is not well absorbed and the result is the plant growth becomes slower. On the other hand any hard water that is treated with Electrical induction ‘Ethix Water Conditioner’ the surface tension of the water is lowered significantly. This then allows the water and minerals to be easily drawn up by the plant. The water provides support and the minerals provide nourishment so that the plant growth will faster and total yield will increase.

Benefits of Ethix water Conditioner in farming
  • Salt, iron and other minerals will be kept in solution so they don’t crust and damage plants and equipment.
  • Irrigate with softer wetter water.
  • Water is absorbed into the ground more easily.
  • Plants will then more easily take up water.
  • Greater feeder roots have been reported.
  • Less water is lost to evaporation as it is absorbed in the ground.
  • Pipe and sprinkler nozzles will be protected from limescale deposits.
  • Aqua Line is a fantastic mixer, so you get a great water fertilizer mix.
  • You won’t need to buy in water, which will save you huge amounts of money.
  • All animals love to drink the softer treated water so they will be healthier.
Ethix Water Conditioner is the best solution to most of your hard water and saline water problems. Thousands of farmers and customers had been served by Ethix and satisfied over the course of 15 Years. Like these Farmers, you will achieve a distinct growth advantage for your crops, while reaping the benefits of cleaner pipes and better flow.
  • No Chemical, No Salt, No Maintenance.
  • Safe & Easy Installation.
  • It consumes very little power to operate.

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Emerging Ethix Power LTD (LP)

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1 Comment

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