Improving Irrigation Water With The Ethix Water Conditioner

Improving Irrigation Water With The Ethix Water Conditioner

Once you install the Ethix Water Conditioner, you can expect to see greener, healthier, more robust growth with less water.

The maintenance-free Ethix Agricultural Catalytic Water Conditioner installed in-line on your water delivery system from a Well or Municipal Water

Improving Irrigation Water With The Ethix Water Conditioner

  • Prevents and eliminates hard water scale and corrosion on all water related equipment from Pivot Systems to drip lines, emitters, sprinkler heads, irrigation pumps and water lines.


  • Improves percolation and eliminates standing water in your fields by breaking up compacted soil layers. Soil profiles are improved. Water use is reduced as much as 20% or more along with reduced pumping and water delivery costs.


  • Reduced Fuel or Electrical costs by reducing water usage.


  • Improve pump efficiency by providing “wetter” water through piping system.


  • In soils with high chloride concentrations plants have difficulty growing. The Ethix water Conditioner treats this condition by pushing the chloride loads deeper into the soil layers allowing the plants to thrive in a more suitable environment. Increases fine root growth which improves the plants intake of water and nutrients therefore providing healthier plants.


  • Reduces heat stress on plants.


  • Plants and seeds germinate sooner and more completely.


  • The need for gypsum and acid is reduced or eliminated.


  • With better nutrient intake the need for fertilizers are reduced.


  • Dissolves impurities within the soil with each irrigation.


  • Hard water spotting and overall maintenance to walls, walkways, fences, farm equipment or any other surface that comes into water contact, is reduced. (Iron staining may require specialized filtration)


  • Helps control and reduce algae growth in water retention areas i.e. lagoons or water tanks. Increase savings in labor, equipment replacement and repair costs.


  • Through continual testing and research we are discovering new applications for the Ethix Water Conditioner.


Stop equipment failure, and not only reduce, but remove scale build up in your equipment and treat the problem at the source. The Ethix Water Conditioner will over time remove scale build up within your irrigation equipment and pipes. Ethix Water Conditioner that will change the chemical structure of the hard water before it touches your equipment, this way the minerals don’t precipitate out and crust on surfaces.

If you have further inquiries about our products, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by filling out our contact form.

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Emerging Ethix Power LTD (LP)

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