Magnetic Water Conditioner (Softener ) for Agriculture In India
Our magnetic water conditioners are the ultimate solutions when dealing with problems caused by using water from underground.
Water is the life blood of any farm so finding the best water solution available is vital. Do you have hard water problems with salt affected soils or iron in well water? Without a soil test how would you even know that you had such problems? Well the results become obvious over time – growing plants in soils that are irrigated with hard water means the salt in soil stops crops from growing as well as they could!
It may have seemed cost prohibitive in the past to remove salt from water on a large scale but when you install a Ethix Water Conditioner it will allow you to irrigate with substandard water and actually grow crops that will thrive not just survive – and all cost effectively. How? The subtle changes made to the molecular structure of the salts and iron in the water changes the characteristics of the minerals and keeps them in solution which means that rather than building a crusty layer of salt or iron on the ground these minerals are absorbed back into the ground.
The softer weter, water is then more easily absorbed into the ground and the plants, which gives both a healthier environment to grow crops and increases the yield.
Magnetic Water Conditioner (Softener ) for Agriculture In India
Removes hardness of water and increases growth rate of the plants
- – Decreases the rate of disease in root & livestock
- – Eradicate and prevent scaling on dripper and sprinkler.
- – Decreases the tip burn problem in leaves caused due to build-up of unused salts
- – Improves seed germination
- – Soft water cleans the root hair and root cap area in the soil.
- – Enhances the soil structure and PH level of water
- – Soft water controls and decreases growth of algae in water retention areas such as lagoons, ponds or water tanks.
- – Hard water causes infection and diseases in poultry which can be reduced by conditioned water.
- – Overall improvement in growth of fruits, plants and crop
- – Soft water enhances the level of oxygen in water.
Ethix soft water equipment:
- low cost, easy to install
- no electricity, no water wastage
- eco friendly, no harmful chemicals
- no maintenance required
- unlimited water
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