Solve Your Hard Water Problems With Ethix Water Conditioner

Solve Your Hard Water Problems With Ethix Water Conditioner

Scale causing minerals have a high electrical charge,repel each other and “stick” to pipes and equipment causing costly hard water problems.

The alloy products a Turbulent mineral attracting galvanic action which reduces the electrical charge of minerals. Non-sticking nano sized colloids are formed and flow through the system in suspension significantly reducing hard water problems

Ethix Water Conditioners has multiple long lasting benefits. It’s the only water softener on the market that requires nothing post installation. Fit & Forget!

We solve your hard water problems

Ethix Water Conditioner Appications Us For 

  • Residential Water Conditioner Tretment
  • Commercial Water Conditioner Tretment
  • industrial Water Conditioner Tretment
  • Agriculture Water Conditioner Tretment

Advantages Of The Conditioners

Easy Installation
  •  Select the place of installation between your pump & over head tank
  •  Cut the pipe for required length & remove
  •  Use suitable plumbing materials and fix the water conditioner
  •  Install the pre-filtration system
  •  Let the paste dry for few minutes & do the leak test
Eco- Friendly
  •  The charge of the scaling causing minerals is neutralized & its size broken minerals is neutralized & efficient way possible to the atmosphere as well for the environment
No chemicals & No Salts
  •  For a totaly maintanance free working of the equipment it is designed to work without using any chemicals, salt (or) additives
Highly Cost Effective
  •  Once installed there is no operating cost and the equipment needs no service making it highly cost effective
Easy Portability
  •  These equipments are compact & can be shifted (or) carried where ever you more. Don’t worry if you live in rented building (or) need to shift
Zero Wastage
  •  No wate is wasted during the treatment & no consumables are needed making it a 360degree zero wastage
5-Year Warranty
  • . The equipment is made in an advanced foundry process making at the most reliable water conditioner ever

Solve Your Hard Water Problems With Ethix Water Conditioner

Whatever your concern, we’re here to assist you. For inquiries, please contact us today.

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